当前位置: 网校排名> 环球网校> 职称英语考试综合类词汇选项练习题(5)_职称英语网校
环球网校 职称英语培训




1. Many of novelist Carson McCullers’ characters areisolated, disappointed people.

A) solitary

B) gloomy

C) feeble

D) frugal

2. The workers finallycalled offthe strike.

A) put off

B) ended

C) cancelled

D) participated in

3. John hasmade up his mindnot to go to the meeting .

A) wanted

B) promised

C) decided

D) agreed

4. I catch coldnow and then.

A) always

B) occasionally

C ) constantly

D) regularly

5. He oftenfinds fault withmy work.

A) criticizes

B) praises

C) evaluates

D) talks about

1. The little girlgraspedher mother’s arm as she across the street.

A) understood

B) had a hold over

C) took hold of

D) left hold of

2. In judging our work you should take intoconsiderationthe fact that we have been very busy recently.

A) thought

B) mind

C) account

D) memory

3. I can no longertoleratehis actions.

A) put up with

B) accept

C) take

D) suffer from

4. The doctors haveabandonedthe hope to rescue the old man.

A) left

B) given up

C) turned down

D) refused

5. Have you talked to herlately?

A) lastlly

B) shortly

C) recently

D) immediately

