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环球网校 职称英语培训


发布时间: 2016年09月26日



(1) 不可数名词表示多少,一般用much, (a) little, a lot of, enough 等词表达,要数1,2,3,4…时要用"量词"表达,最常用的是a piece of (news, advice, furniture, information…)。

(2) 成双成对的名词一般用复数,如:a pair of trousers (裤子) / scissors(剪刀) / glasses (spectacles)(眼镜) / pliers(钳子)

(3) a couple of表示一对,或2-3…,如:a couple of days / people / things

(4) 记住以下量词表达方式:

a loaf (two loafs) of bread (一个(两个)面包)

a burst of laughter(一阵笑声)

a fit of anger / chill(一阵发怒 / 发冷)

a game of chess (一盘棋)

a lump of sugar (一块方糖)


1)a three-year-old boy 比较The boy is three years old

2) five thousand people / several thousand people比较 thousands of people

表达具体数字时,thousand不加 "s",后面不加 "of "; ten, million, billion情况以此类推。

3) One-third of the students have passed College English Test Band IV.

Two-thirds of the students have passed College English Test Band IV.

One-third of the population in this area is living below the poverty line.



4) a looker-on 比较two lookers-on(旁观者) / a brother-in-law比较two brothers-in-law(姻亲兄弟)

5) my father, together with (along with / with / as well as my mother and brothers) 结构中,主语作单数处理,即my father.

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