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环球网校 翻译资格培训




发布时间: 2016年04月29日



Listen to the dialogue between the Head of Marketing (HM) and the Marketing Manager (MM)

HM: we’ve got a number of major promotions coming up over the summer.
MM: And are we going to be promoting new product lines or sold stock?
HM: A bit of both. First of all we’re planning introductory offers on some of our major new products..
MM: Including our new footwear range presumably advertising campaign for that.
MM: And id our sponsorship proposals go anywhere?
HM: Nothing’s definite, but it looks as though we’ll be signing a sponsorship deal with one of China’s top football clubs.
MM: great. And what about in-store promotions?
HM: Well we’re doing a poster campaign in and around all of our stores showing the new trainers and the release date.
MM: Any sort of special offers?
HM: Yes sort of special offers?
HM: yes – you can pre-order and get a 10% discount; and if you have a loyalty card you can get a 15% discount.
MM: I see. You mentioned something about older product lines too.
HM: that’s right, we’ve got a problem with stock overhangs on about a hundred products lines.
MM: So we need to come up with ways to move the stock.
HM; Exactly. Profitability isn’t really important with this one.
MM: in that case we should drop prices by maybe 25% across the board.
HM: we need to get some special offers worked out too.
MM: Maybe we could double discounts for loyalty card holders on selected products.
HM: yes, that would probably work.
MM: And mail all card holders to let them know about the special offers.

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