






Part 2 话题目前需准备的老题部分

Describe a polite person you know

Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage

Describe a meal you want to have

Describe a cafe that you like

Describe a kind of vegetable or plant (you like in your country)

Describe a piece of important equipment/a machine in your home

Describe a work of art like statue or painting

Describe a quiet place you like

Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited

Describe a popular / famous place where people like to go swimming

Describe an interesting neighbor that you have

Describe two persons who you know and come from the same family

Describe a team project you had for study or entertainment

Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone you did not know

Describe a shop that was opened recently in your hometown

Describe a small city or town you like and you have been to

Describe a piece of clothing that you like most

Describe a sport you like watching

Describe something you want to do for a long time but you have not

Describe an activity you like on/near the sea

Describe a piece of good news you heard from someone

Describe an important event in history in your country

Describe an enjoyable but expensive activity you do occasionally

Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future

Describe a kind of foreign food you once had

Describe a plan you have (not related to your study or work)

Describe someone’s decision that you disagree with

Describe a well-paid job that you think you are good at (you might do in the future)

Describe an interesting talk or a speech you heard recently

Describe a kind of weather you like

Describe an exciting activity you like to try for the first time

Describe a wedding you enjoyed attending

Describe an invention that changed our life

Describe a big company or organization that employs lots of people in your city

Describe a TV drama that you like most

Describe a song you like most

Describe a book that you like to read again

Describe a website you often visit

Describe an advertisement you like

Describe a time when you went to a very crowed place

Describe an experience when you were waiting for something or someone

Describe your experience on a good service you got from a shop or restaurant

Describe a famous person who you are interested in

Describe a family member who influences you greatly

Describe a person who is helpful for your work or study

Describe an enjoyable day when you spent in the countryside

Describe an experience when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

Describe an interesting car/bike/motorbike trip you had

Describe a time you saw lots of people were smiling

Describe an experience you spent time with a child

Describe a family member who you feel proud of

Describe a new friend who you met recently and you want to know more about

Describe a time when someone or something made you laugh

Describe a challenging experience you had

Describe a time when you went to an appointment much earlier than scheduled

Describe a time you moved to a new place or a new school

Describe an enjoyable experience you had in your childhood

Describe an English class that you enjoyed

Describe a time when you had a special cake

Describe a time you received a free gift (like a free movie or meal)

Describe an occasion when someone solved a problem with a very clever solution

Describe a recent change you had

需提防的Part 2变题话题部分

An actor 演员(包括喜剧演员等限定要注意)

A school friend 学校时的朋友/ A friend who you haven’t met for a long time许久未见之友/An intelligent person 智慧的人

TV or radio program节目/ A movie you dislike 不喜欢的电影/game游戏

A letter信

Something you can’t live without 重要之物/Something you saved for 攒钱

A language语言/vehicle车




环球教育(Global Education),是中国留学语言培训行业**机构,20年来,秉持教育成就未来的理念,专注于为中国学子提供优质的留学语言培训及配套服务。目前,环球教育已构建了包含语言培训、留学咨询、国际课程、游学考察、模拟课堂等在内的一站式服务教育生态圈。



环球教育以卓越的教学成效和良好的服务口碑在业界享有盛名,我们坚持以学生为中心,一手抓教学服务,一手抓师资力量。教学中应用科学的入学评测体系,实现学员的个性化学习;采用独特的"环球实用应试教学模式",关注学习进程,因材施教;独创"核心课 吸收课"的教学理念,帮助学生快速提升学习效能,达到出国留学的标准。同时,环球教育引进和培养了一批顶尖教学人才,科学的教师培训和管理体系,打造出一支实力雄厚、结构合理的师资团队, 为优质教学提供坚强的保障。

我们以国际化教育集团的标准,促进产业创新,引领行业发展,大力推动中国留学事业的进步与发展。 20年来,环球教育不断壮大,旗下拥有300余家教学中心,遍布中国200多个城市,累计为六十余万名学员提供专业、多元的教育服务,为中国培养具有全球视野的国际化人才做出应有的贡献。


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