





Task 1

1. If a high school is planning to organize an after-school activity for its students, what kind of activity would you recommend and why?

I strongly recommend that the high school should organize basketball matches for the students. The most important reason is that basketball matches will help students build up their stamina, which brings great benefits to their study and the activities will certainly encourage more students to take part in sports rather than spend all day long on their academic study, which leads to a poor health condition and low efficiency in study. Second, Basketball matches are able to help students learn cooperation and competition, which are essential for them when they get started to work.Sometimes people behave impolitely in public.

2. Describe a time when an impolite behavior annoyed you. Explain why you were annoyed.

I’d like to talk about an incident took place in the library last month. I was trying to finish my paper for my finance class. It was the most difficult paper I have ever written. This paper had bugged me for over an entire week. I had a habit of doing my assignments in the library due to its quiet environment. It is easy for me to concentrate. Unfortunately, the guy sitting next to me kept making telephone calls in a loud voice. Everybody, including me in the library was disturbed by his loud and rude voice. I asked him to keep quiet. He was reluctant to lower his voice although many people had already starred at him.

3. Describe a day that you enjoyed the most or was the most special to you. Include reasons and details to support your response.

Well, the most important day for me is the college graduating ceremony last summer because that's the last day I spent at school and after that, I would say goodbye to all my student life. And I still remember that in this ceremony, a lot of professors and students gave speeches and we received the diplomas individually and after that we went out and took pictures with classmates and professors around the campus. And that is seriously the last day I remember i spent at school and after that I would be on a new page and i felt really excited about it.

4. How do you improve the education system of your country?

Personally, quite a few measures could be taken to improve our education system. Firstly, everybody in China should attach less importance to the results of exams. Students from primary school, even from kindergarten suffer a lot from it. They have to spend extra time studying in order to get a higher score. It is a shame for them not to have any time to enjoy the only childhood they have. Besides, people could be educated in different ways. People are born differently. They are interested in different things. We should encourage them to chase their dreams instead of forcing them to do anything they dislike, or even hate. Furthermore, we could encourage them to be compassionate and independent.




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环球教育以卓越的教学成效和良好的服务口碑在业界享有盛名,我们坚持以学生为中心,一手抓教学服务,一手抓师资力量。教学中应用科学的入学评测体系,实现学员的个性化学习;采用独特的"环球实用应试教学模式",关注学习进程,因材施教;独创"核心课 吸收课"的教学理念,帮助学生快速提升学习效能,达到出国留学的标准。同时,环球教育引进和培养了一批顶尖教学人才,科学的教师培训和管理体系,打造出一支实力雄厚、结构合理的师资团队, 为优质教学提供坚强的保障。

我们以国际化教育集团的标准,促进产业创新,引领行业发展,大力推动中国留学事业的进步与发展。 20年来,环球教育不断壮大,旗下拥有300余家教学中心,遍布中国200多个城市,累计为六十余万名学员提供专业、多元的教育服务,为中国培养具有全球视野的国际化人才做出应有的贡献。


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