






1.  People can learn more from watching television than reading books,which is more important for students to understand ideas and concept or learn facts.

Nowadays, people could gain knowledge from different sources, such as the Internet, television, and books as well. Some people argue that watching TV is a better way for students to learn both abstract concepts and facts as well. I am afraid that I have to agree with this statement for the following reasons.

First of all, the information and knowledge in books cannot be updated as fast and in TV. With the development of science and technology, new theories and hypotheses are proposed constantly all around the world. Researchers have been devoting themselves to conducting new experiments and studies. During this process, the deficiencies and mistakes in previous research are revealed and corrected; then new theories and hypotheses are proposed. It seems that disseminating new knowledge through TV could be faster compared with editing and publishing the knowledge in books. Usually, it took months or even years to publish a new version of a book. In order to keep students being informed with updated information and knowledge; it is more efficient to utilize TV than printed books.

Moreover, watching TV programs could help students develop a deeper and comprehensive understanding towards not only abstract concepts but also facts. For example, in TV programs targeting students, usually a professor or lecturer demonstrates a concept through actual experiments in laboratories or detailed illustrations. In this way, students could understand abstract theories and learn how the theories are generalized from experiments and facts. Therefore they could develop a better and deeper understanding of those concepts, which helps students memorize knowledge in a more efficient ways. On the contrary, books only contain words that describe those abstract concepts and ideas. Only by reading those lines and words, students might find it difficult to visualize the process of conducting experiments or the actual happenings in the world. In nowadays’ education, visualization has become an indispensable part in not only classroom teaching but also students’ learning after class. In this sense, it is better for students to learn knowledge through watching TV programs than reading books.

To sum up, utilizing TV programs to convey knowledge is more effective than books. Moreover, students could develop deeper and comprehensive understanding towards concepts as well as facts through watching TV than reading books.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays people are more willing to help strangers than they were in the past.

Nowadays, people live and work under great pressure. It has been criticized for a long time that people today are less willing to help others because of busy and stressful life. Based on what I have learned about this topic, I have to admit that people today do spend less effort on helping others.

To begin with, people tend not to trust each other than before because many of us have the experience of being cheated. Take myself as an example. When I study abroad two years age, I got several cram calls from strangers saying that I need to transfer money to them, or the police would come and arrest me. When I heard this, I felt so frightened and wrote an email to the Center of International Education in my university. The school faculty told me not to trust those cram calls and call the police for help if it happens again. After that I seldom answer phone numbers I do not know, and became less willing to help strangers because I am not sure if they are really in trouble or not.

Moreover, many people today are so busy with their study or work that they don’t care what is happening to others. Many of my friends are struggling with their college entrance exam and job hunting. If it were I that asking for help, my friends would definitely try to offer help. However, for strangers, it is less possible that they would spend the time and efforts helping them.

Last but not least, sometimes helping strangers might bring us danger. This is particular true when experiencing natural disasters. People have the instinct to protect themselves over help others. I believe that this is not of lower moral standard, but the nature of human being.

To sum up, people are less willing to help strangers because they are too busy with their life, and tend not to trust strangers. Also, people have the instinct to not involve themselves in danger and troubles.

3. A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take? Why?

In my home country, the curricula in high schools are extremely intense for students. Many high school students are under great pressure at school, and they might feel stressed out if one more required course is added to they busy schedule. However, if they have to choose one course to take, I believe that a cooking class is better than a personal financial management class or auto repair class, because a cooking class could benefit students in different ways.

To begin with, a cooking class could provide students with opportunities to relax and escape from intense academic study for a while. In a cooking class, students neither need to read lots of materials nor to solve complicated mathematic problems. What they need to do is to follow the chef’s instructions and learn how to serve delicious dishes. Moreover, students could cooperate and communicate with each other during the process of cooking. By working cooperatively with their peers, students could learn more about their classmates and thus become friends with each other, which is almost impossible in classrooms where students are forbidden to discuss in my home country. Thus, a cooking class could help students relax in a pleasant atmosphere.

Another advantage of cooking class is that the skill of cooking could benefits students in a long run. In the future, some high students might choose to enter colleges or universities in their home country, whereas others will choose to study abroad. It is possible that many of them will relocate to a new city and live in apartments with roommates. If those students have learned how to cook during high school, they could cook by themselves, and treat their friends with delicious dishes when they have time. In this way, the students could save a lot of money because they do not have to eat outside in restaurants that are usually more expensive than cooking at home. Moreover, the students’ friends would appreciate a lot being invited to their places and served with mouthwatering dishes. Hence, a cooking class could benefit students even after their graduation.

Compared with a cooking class, a personal financial management course would be too boring because students still need to sit in classrooms and complete difficult tasks. As for an auto-repair course, students might find it dangerous because they need to use tools that they are not familiar with to repair cars. Furthermore, in order to open an auto-repair course, high schools need to spend a lot of money purchasing vehicles and equipment. I am afraid that the administration offices in high schools are not fond of this idea.

Based on the above discussion, a cooking class could benefit students in that they could relieve the pressure from academic learning, and could utilize the skill of cooking in the future.




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