19. forge 锻打 forgo 放弃
Maria found it easy to___ her meager winnings in the lottery, as her ticket was worth next to nothing.
(A) digest
(B) extol
(C) impugn
(D) forgo
(E) relish
20.eager 希望的 meager缺乏的
(1)The powers and satisfactions of primeval people, though few and meager, were _______ their few and simple desires.
A) simultaneous with B) commensurate with C) substantiated by
D) circumscribed by E) ruined by
commensurate 相当的
(2)The second edition of the textbook provides___ footnotes; since the first edition, the editors have apparently__ a great deal of background data.
(A) meager, accumulated
(B) illegible, clarified
(C) copious, amassed
(D) voluminous, excised
(E) monotonous, embellished
21.callow 年轻而无经验的 hallow视为神圣 shallow浅的(思想深度上浅显)
(1)It’s a story about a callow youth who learns the value of hard work and self-reliance.
(2)The film critic__ the movie, saying that the script lacked structure and the characters were laughably shallow.
(A) derided
(B) remembered
(C) belied
(D) praised
(E) ignored
(3)The critics were distressed that an essayist of such glowing___ could descend to writing such dull, uninteresting prose.
A. obscurity
B. ill-repute
C. shallowness
D. promise
E. amiability
shallowness的特点就是dull,uninteresting prose, character
22.hectic兴奋的 hector吓唬 heckle质问 (这三个词也可以不用背,到现在词频是0)
23.ferment 发酵,动乱 foment 煽动
On the verge of financial collapse, the museum was granted a__, receiving a much-needed___ of cash in the form of a government loan.
(A) reprieve, infusion
(B) deferment, inducement
(C) rebate, advance
(D) hearing, security
(E) procurement, account
procurement(pro cure,向前治疗)the act of getting possession of something(取得征购)
24.skim 略过 skin 皮肤
Her treatment of the subject was so ------ that the class was convinced she had only ------- the material the night before.
A. spotty ….skimmed
B. thorough ….misunderstood
C. partial …memorized
D. confused…..learned
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