
编辑:佚名 更新时间:2018年08月27日







报班学习,接受专业的学习训练,假如你家邻近有规模比较大,实力比较强的线下小班,就到面授课里边学习,假如没有也可以试试一些线上的外教陪练,也就是外教一对一,这种授课方式,好就好在上课方便,选组织时不会遭到位置要素的约束,并且教学方面潜力很大。之前我也是没有基础的状态去学习英语,然后报班,当时对比了不少品牌,选择了现在这家机构,是中加雅思培训一对一类型,这种授课方式好就好在,学费性价比高,教学有针对,各种学习需求都可以满足,潜力很大 建议大家去那试试,你可以选择一个合适的外教,让他专门负责你的学习,不仅是应试备考,还是能力提升,有针对的进行学习培训,这样子可以起到更理想的学习效果。


一、了解什么是平面设计:什么是平面设计?一般来说,是通过专业的计算机软件(如Photoshop),运用艺术的表现形式完成特定内容的艺术创作的行为。一般来说,平面设计的种类有很多,比如:名片设计、logo设计、字体设计、VI视觉形象设计、CIS设计、广告设计、海报设计等等。 二、了解自己的兴趣爱好:在对平面设计有一个大致的了解后,有必要了解自己,确定自己是否对平面设计感兴趣。那些心血来潮学习平面设计的人,一旦遇到困难,学习的兴趣就会越来越小,容易放弃,这样只会浪费时间和精力,一事无成。因此,在学习平面设计之前,一定要明白学习设计不是一朝一夕的事情,需要一个相对漫长而曲折的过程,要做得好很大程度上需要兴趣来支持。






Start Learning English By Kenneth Beare, About.com Guides to English as 2nd Language Use this page as a starting page for working on English basics including ABCs and 123s, spelling rules. English tenses and important grammar points are explained with follow-up quizzes. Other resources will help you build your vocabulary and practice your English with reading, listening comprehension and practice speaking dialogues. ABCs and 123s The Basics - Quizzes Verb Forms and Tenses Tense and Verb Form Quizzes What Type of Word? Important Differences Important Exceptions and Rules Quizzes Essential English Phrases and Vocabulary Listening Practice Speaking Help for Beginners Reading Comprehension Practice Review the Basics Helpful Learning Products ABCs and 123s The ABCs and 123s are the building blocks of English. These include letter and number pronunciation, spelling rules, the parts of English speech, the verb "to be", basic prepositions and the use of A, An and The. ABCs - introduction to the alphabet ABCs Song 123s - Spelling and Pronunciation A, An, The Spelling Rules in English Spelling Problems in English Hello! My Name is Ken - The Present Tense of "to Be" Where Were You Yesterday? - The Past Tense of "to Be" Prepositions - The Basics of Time and Place Eight Parts of Speech in English The Basics - Quizzes Use these quizzes to test your understanding of the basic building blocks in English. These quizzes include listening, grammar and vocabulary recognition. Understanding Numbers Listening Quiz Spelling Listening Quiz Is, Was, Were, Am, Quiz Basic Time Prepositions Quiz Basic Prepositions of Place Quiz A, An or The Quiz Parts of Speech Quiz Verb Forms and Tenses These are the basic tenses to express things that happen in the present, past and future. Important topics such as auxiliary verb use (do, did, have, will, etc.) and time expressions are also discussed. Present Simple - He works in a bank. Present Continuous - What are you doing? Past Simple - What did you do last weekend? Future - What will the weather be like? Future Forms - Going to or Will? May, Can, Should - Modal Forms Non-Continuous Verbs Auxiliary Verb Usage in English Time Expressions and Verb Tenses Verb Forms Chart Tense and Verb Form Quizzes Use these quizzes to test your knowledge of correct tense conjugation and verb forms. I work on Saturdays. - Present Simple Quiz Tom‘s watching TV. - Present Continuous Quiz She‘s working or She works? - Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Quiz I worked yesterday. - Past Simple Quiz Simple Past Irregular Forms Quiz Future Forms Quiz To Play or Playing? - Gerunds and Infinitive Quiz What Type of Word? These pages help you use other important words in English such as adjectives (hot, big, fast, etc.) and adverbs (carefully, always, sometimes, etc.), as well as the comparative (good - better, happy - happier, etc,) and the superlative (the worst, the most difficult, etc.) Adverbs - Describing How Something is Done Adjectives - Describing What Something or Someone is Like Countries and Languages Comparing People, Places and Things - Comparatives and Superlatives Asking about Things - Question Words Adverbs of Frequency Important Differences English has many exceptions and special rules for plural forms, countable and uncountable nouns, gerund or infinitive forms and more. These pages will help you understand some of the most important special rules in English. Much or Many? A Lot of Cheese OR Many Cheese - Countable vs. Uncountable What are Pronouns? Plurals in English Have and Have Got Some or Any? Do or Make Explained Do or Make Explained This, That, These, Those, Here and There Playing or To Play - Infinitives and Gerunds Important Exceptions and Rules Quizzes Use these quizzes to test your understanding of important exception and rules in English. Countable or Uncountable Quiz Countable and Uncountable Nouns Quiz Make or Do? Some or Any? To Do or Doing? He, His or Him? - Pronouns Quiz Have or Have Got? Plural Forms Quiz Essential English Phrases and Vocabulary Build your basic English vocabulary using these resources. You‘ll find a list of the 1,000 most common English words with pronunciation examples, vocabulary lists focusing on weather, family and more. Use the picture dictionaries to help you learn food, sports and jobs related vocabulary. 1000 Most Commonly Used Words in English Asking for Help in Class Telling the Time What‘s the Weather Like? - Weather Vocabulary Dad, Mom, and My Aunt - Family Vocabulary What‘s 1 1? - Vocabulary Used for Math Picture Dictionary - Food Picture Dictionary - Sports Picture Dictionary - Jobs Listening Practice Improve your listening skills with these beginning level listening comprehension quizzes. These listening selections concern everyday subjects such as understanding numbers, making plans and asking about prices. Man Taking a Survey How Much Does It Cost? Making a Dinner Reservation Making Plans for the Evening Understanding Numbers 1 Understanding Numbers 2 Telling the Time Speaking Help for Beginners These pages will help you with speaking skills including pronunciation and basic dialogues that you can follow for role-playing. Basic English Conversations Saying Hello Introducing Yourself and Friends I‘d Like a Sandwich - Restaurant Dialogue Going Shopping Ask and Answer Questions - 50 Basic English Questions Introduction to Phonetics English Pronunciation Exercises Pronunciation - Consonants Pronunciation - Vowels Reading Comprehension Practice These short reading selections will help you with your reading skills. The topics include basics such as working in an office, cooking and friends. A New Office Cooking Filling in a Form Introductions The Meeting My Friend Peter Review the Basics These tests will help you review beginning level English grammar and vocabulary. Beginning English Grammar Review Quiz Beginning English Fill in the Gap Quiz - Key Words Helpful Learning Products These recommended books and dictionaries will help you continue to learn English in the classroom and at home. Recommended Books for Beginning English Learners English Grammar Workbooks English Learner Dictionaries

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