

1. 请举手 Raise your hands/Put your hands up. 2. 请坐 Sit down please. 3. 请站起来 Stand up. 4. 请坐好 Sit properly/Sit straight. 5. 请出来 Come to the front..


1. 请举手  Raise your hands/Put your hands up.

2. 请坐  Sit down please.

3. 请站起来 Stand up.

4. 请坐好 Sit properly/Sit straight.

5. 请出来 Come to the front..

6. 请回到座位上 Go back to your seat.

7. 请看黑板  Look at the blackboard.

8. 请注意   Attention, please.

9. 请闭上眼睛  Close your eyes.

10. 请安静  Please be quiet.

11. 我们来点名  Let's check the attendance.

12. 我先读一遍 I'll read it first.

13. 请听好  Listen carefully.

14. 请复述  Repeat after me.

15. 请跟我读  Read after me.

16. 再来一次  One more time.

17. 大家一起读  Let's read it all together.

18. 大声说  speak out loud/speak up.

19. 请清晰洪亮地发言 Read it out loud and clear.

20. 明白了吗?  Do you understand?

21. 有问题吗?  Do you have any questions?

22. 我要提问  I'll ask you some questions.

23. 请回答问题  Please answer the questions.

24. 你能来回答一下吗?  Can you answer it?

25. 你说什么?  What did you say?

26.请传给后座同学   Please pass it to the person behind you.

27.请在补充材料上写上名字  Write your name on your handout.

28.请传给后座同学    Please pass it to the person behind you.

29.请在补充材料上写上名字 Write your name on your handout.

30. 让我们来进行下一个活动   Let's go on to the next activity.

31.来吧!你快(做/答)对了。Come on, you’re almost there.

32.我给你一些提示。I’ll give you a clue (hint).

33.请大家做对子/小组练习。I want you to work in pairs/groups.

34.让我们玩个游戏。Let’s play a game.

35.来吧!你能做到的。Come on. You can do it.

36.累了吗?休息一下。Are you tired? Let’s take a break.

37.能猜猜吗?Can you guess it?

38.对,你对了。Yes. You’re right. 

39.对不起,能再说一遍吗?I’m sorry. Can you say that again?

40.慢慢来。Take your time.

41.好主意。有道理。Good idea! That makes sense.

42.轮到谁了?Whose turn is it?

43.现在你们依次朗读。Now you’re going to read one by one. 接下来是谁?Who’s next?

44.这是今天的家庭作业。Here’s your homework for today.

45.下课。谢谢!Class is over. Thank you, class. 

46.再见/明天。Good-bye./ See you tomorrow.




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