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来源:教育联展网    编辑:佚名    发布时间:2018-04-27



Describe an interesting subject that you learnt in the school.

You should say:

What the subject was

What your teacher was like

How long you learnt this subject

and explain why you thought it was intersting

描述你在学校里喜欢的一个科目。是不是感觉有点眼熟,没错,之前是有一道类似的口语题目Describe a science that you are interested in.请看以化学为例的参考范文,稍稍变动,应该就可以用于现在的这道新题。

I would like to talk about chemistry,a branch of physical science (自然科学) that studies the composition,structure,properties and change of matter (物质).

Chemistry is a compulsory course for third-year junior school students and for all senior high-school science students. I,of course,studied it since the last year in junior high school.

In high schools,most students are apt to learn chemistry by doing numerous quizzes, some even by rote (死记硬背).I,instead,took a unique approach.Before each class,I would get fully prepared;do my best to find the law(规律)of reaction among the atoms (原子),molecules(分子) or chemicals bonds(化学键) etc,and search relevant information online. Also,I watched videos of cutting-edge (尖端的) scientific discoveries and intriguing/compelling/scintillating (有趣的)stories of the scientists mentioned in the chapter I was going to study. Apart from those,I engrossed myself in chemical experiments,as long as I was available.

In my first Chemistry class,I was fascinated by the structures,shapes,colors,and smells of chemicals my teacher showed to the class. Ever since then, my passion/zest(极大的兴趣) for chemistry has been ignited. I very much wanted to delve into(钻研),and unveil the myth of (揭开神秘面纱),Chemistry.


Ok then, well the subject I’d like to talk about is Economics, because it was one of the few classes that I actually enjoyed, and this was in no small part due to the fact that we had a really great teacher for it.

And as for what makes me say that, well first of all, he had a knack of being able to make all of his classes really interesting, and he did this by always asking us questions and getting us to think deeply about all kinds of things related to Economics. So for example, he would often start class by telling us a story that was in some way connected to what we would be going through that day, after which he would then ask us how we thought the story ended, and this really kind of helped arouse our curiosity in the subject.

So that’s one thing, and another thing I liked about him was the fact that he seemed to take a genuine interest in all of us, and I could see this in the way he spoke and listened, because you know, it’s pretty easy to tell whether or not a teacher really cares about teaching, and with him I could tell straight away that he enjoyed teaching us and had our best interests at heart.

But anyway, as for how long I studied Economics for, well basically, it was for two years during high school, so it wasn’t really for all that long, which was a bit of a pity, because as I mentioned earlier, I really enjoyed the classes. And one more thing to mention about them, which I don’t think I’ve said yet, is that we hardly ever went through the text book, which was such a refreshing change from all the other classes I had. So instead, our teacher, who was called Mr. Guise, by the way, would give us things like newspaper clippings or magazine articles to read and discuss, and by doing this, we came to realize just how significant a role Economics played in our lives. So as you can imagine, this made the classes so much more fun than they otherwise would have been if we’d just ploughed through the text book, and I’m very grateful to Mr. Guise for this.



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